Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Glitter Blood!

Continuing on with the heart topic... I really truly do love glitter.  I know some consider it the STD of crafts, but to me it is luminescent goodness.  I really do love to add glitter whenever possible.  SOOOOO.... Here is glitter blood!

Glitter Blood

You will need: 

  • 1 - container.  I am using baby soda bottles
    but a water bottle would work too.
  • red glitter
  • white glitter (I didn't have it on hand for this tutorial so, i used gold)
  • marker
  • ruler


1. Measure your holder and mark it so you have 10 markings.  I was able to do 1/2" markings on mine

2. Fill 4/10 of your tube with red glitter

3. Fill 1/10 with white glitter

4. Fill up with water

5. Shake!  

Plasma = water
red glitter = red blood cells
white glitter = white blood cells

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