Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Spring / Easter/ St. Patty's Day Minute to Win it Games

Sort the Rainbow:
Need: Bags of Skittles, cups,
1 from each team:
Empty bag of skittles into one cup, first to sort into separate color cups wins

Stack O’ Gold
Need: Chocolate wrapped Gold Coins (or yellow cookies)?
1 from each team:
Stack on forehead.  Most stacked on head when 30 seconds is up.  (If they fall off the head, keep going, it is the most at end of time)

Cup O’ Cheer
Need: Jello Cups, straws
1 from each team
First to suck “empty” jello cup using only the straw.

Taste the Rainbow
Need: Fruit Roll-ups
1 from each team
First to eat fruit roll-up without using hands (slurp like spaghetti)

Mint Face
Need: York peppermint Patties, or minty cookies
1 from each team
Put 1 on forehead, first person to get it into mouth without using hands (use face muscles).  If it falls off, put it back on the and start over.

Bunny Ears Bash
Need: Panty Hose, fist sized balls with weight, empty bottles, eggs (taped)
1 from each team
Set up a line of bottles with an egg sitting on top.  Put a ball in the foot of each pantyhose.  Put panty hose on head, so looks like long ears.  Use “ears” only to knock eggs off the bottles.

Egg Run
Need: Full taped eggs, spoons
1 from each team
Start line, carry egg on spoon past finish line.  Can have spoon in mouth or hand depending on ability.  If drop egg, keep going, or start at beginning for ability.

Egg Toss:
Need: Full taped eggs
2 from each team
Standing facing partner, soft toss egg back and forth.  After both have caught at that distance, take a step back.  (keep one team person on main line to see distance).  Team who goes furthest without dropping it wins.

Chubby Bunny:
Need: Large Marshmallows
1 from each team
Put 1 mallow in cheeks, say “chubby bunny”.  If clearly understood, add +1 mallow and say again.  Person who says it the clearest with most mallows in cheeks wins.

Spring Fling:
Need: Bowl of Jelly Beans, spoons, 2 empty bowls
1 from each team
Have stand at start line, facing empty bowls specific distance away (on chairs?) Person who can land the most jb’s in bowl by flinging with the spoon wins.

Mouth Full
Need: Bowl of Jelly Beans, spoons, empty small cups
1 from each team
Race from Bowl, to small bowl a distance away using spoon to transport the jb’s.  Can carry spoon in mouth or hand depending on ability level.

Cotton Tail
Need: 2 large bowls, cotton balls, spoons, blindfolds
1 from each team

Blindfold and have sit in chairs.  Full bowl of cotton balls on lap, empty held on head by team member.  Person has to scoop cb’s into the head bowl using spoon, while blindfolded.  Person to get most in 60 seconds wins.  

Egg Run
Cottontail Bail

Screaming Banche

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