Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 Reading Challenge

2016 Reading Challenge.

Read a book...
1. you avoided in school
2. a movie is based on
3. a cult-classic, one entire nerdoms are based on.
4. your mom/dad loves
5. that explains and breaks down an important moment in history.
6. from a comedian turned author
7. pertaining to something big in the news
8. about time travel
9. about a previous society
10. about a religion or divinity other than what you believe
11. a kids book
12. about an alternative society (post apocalyptic, steampunk, matriarchal, etc)
13. for and with a child
14. recommended by and then discuss it with a person who is much aged
15. you have claimed to never touch, you may feel like a sellout reading this one
16. newly released
17. pertaining to events of childhood whimsy (circus, parks, zoos, etc.)
18. about a vice or bad habit you have (coffee, smoking, chocolate)
19. about magic (we all need a  little more magic in our lives!)
20. pertaining to a real life hero of yours

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