Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Best Bubble Juice Ever

So, my real life paying job is a Mad Scientist at the Edgerton Explorit Center in Aurora Nebraska.  It is a pretty awesome job.  One of my duties there is Bubble master.  I figured out last year that we go through about 500 some gallons of bubble juice a year.  FYI that is a bunch.  Our bubbles are really good too... in case you ever wanted to do some serious bubble making.

Er Mer Gerhd    Buuurrrbbbblllleeeeessss!

Here is our tried and true bubble Mixture and some notes.  


1 - 56oz Dawn NON-CONCENTRATED**
1 - Tbs J-Lube *
4 - Gal Water, warm
5 - Gal bucket


  1. Add water to bucket. 
  2. DUST the J-lube over the top, it will goop/booger up so dust, and stir.  
  3. Add dawn after stirring is done, do a careful stir,
  4. Let sit an hour or so
You can see in the picture above, we actually put ours in a wreath case.  Then you can make a wand out of a mini-hula hoop, tennis racket, anything with holes.  Wash well afterwards.  

*Okay, so J-lube is awesome stuff.  Created for vets and farm folks, J-lube is a soap based, power, lubricant.  So like animals having a dry birth or have to stick your arm up a woohoo to check an unborn animal?... this stuff makes gallons and it is non-irritating.  On that note:  DO NOT READ REVIEWS (unless you have a semi-cool with most anything attitude towards orifices and what people put in them).

**The Dawn NON-Concentrated is also important because it dissolves and molecularly combines differently.  It says on the bottle which it is.  Science break... it has to do with the hydrophobic/hydrophilic quality that makes it a good dish cleaner.  I get it locally at our Dollar General.

I know, I know.... you were always told that you should add Glycerin.  DON'T.  Chemistry break - It doesn't make the mixture better, it makes your hands/bubble wants softer/coated.... the bubbles will still be as tender and likely to evaporate. 

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