Monday, July 25, 2016

Missadventures in Dating - A Dinosaur

When I explain that I have had bad luck with dating, I am afraid people think it is because I am one of those people who is a horrible judge of people.  I really don't think I am, I have some of the most amazing humans as friends.  Truthfully, I am very careful before I meet anyone.  Sometimes, the crazy or weird just doesn't come out right away.

The Dinosaur.  

On dating sites, you wouldn't (or maybe you would) believe the people out there.  I tried the quiz based -  pay sites, and was not impressed... especially when they said there was no one in my state (that I didn't already know) who I would be a good match with (said people I already knew, were not who they publicized on the profile either.).  The Christian site had by far the most guys just looking for bootie calls or housewives.  (Please note, I am in no way looking down on women who run the home, that just isn't what I plan for myself).  The men I spoke with were very upset that "a good Christian girl"* would want to work and not stay home and pop out kiddos.  Not for me.

Finally I got on one of the free sites.  They have paid features, but the free site gave me the most control (FINALLY!)  One such control was that I could decide who could see me.  This became important when people my father's age were chatting me up.  I know people have many reasons to go on a dating site.  Mine was not to meet a 'grandpa looking to play.'*  So, controlling who could contact me was a very happy thing.

One such person was: Self Employed, college degree, decent looking, had a great smile, .... Cool.  He contacted me so I was inclined to communicate via the in app messaging.  For a few nights back and forth, we would chat via the app.  Finally we traded cell numbers and switched to just texting.  He gave me his first name, and it sounded normal enough (I have changed his name for his privacy, but let's call him Bo),  Bo and I chatted and he did seem to have his life together, we enjoyed similar things, he spelled out all his words and used punctuation correctly.  So when he proposed meeting face to face, for maybe a dinner, I was game.

True fact: I am a busy person.  I have an awesome job, but it does stay very active.  I don't just work 9-5, there are lots of evenings and weekends thrown in there.  So, when I had to raincheck our date (just postponing was the plan till...) Bo got all upset.

"But I invited my parents!"

Woah... what?

Turns out texting a person is now the same as dating?  So every day we texted had been a day we had been dating.  So, since we had been 'dating' now for a couple of weeks he wanted me to meet his family.

It was this time also that I received his FB request and discovered that he had legally changed his name to a dinosaur.  Add that fact to his need to text me, 30+ times a day (pre 6 am, and all day at work.  I tried to explain that: "Dude, I am at work please don't text me so much."*)  So, via the dating app I said I no longer wanted to continue forward.  The following are the pursuing text messages.

Welp, guess I ruined my chance.  And people who think girls have no need to fear in modern times, ... case in point.  Yes, this guy is looney, but it isn't the first time I have been spoken to thusly for saying I wasn't interested.

P.S. After this began background checking all potential dates met on line.  You live, you learn.
* All quoted parts of this were truly said things.  I only had screen shot and saved the last conversation (which he still tried contacting me...) because of it's crazy.

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